Dear Readers,
I've decided to participate in Angie's Spoken Word Blog Round Up project. I've gotta say, It was pretty strange talking to my computer screen, and I don't think I'll ever be much of a 'vlogger' (I am much better with writing words than speaking them!) but it felt good to do this.
Please excuse the messy in-progress nursery in the background, and my crazy over-use of the word 'um.' I swear I don't say it that often in real life! :)
If you want to get involved in this awesome project (you really should!), click here for details and to link up your video.
Thanks for watching/listening!
Turn back time
1 week ago
Thank you for sharing that. I still haven't braved doing a spoken word blog yet...but I am tempted
p.s. cute accent :p
I was SOOO hoping you'd join in!!!! It was so great to hear your voice and listen to you read this post.
I can relate to that feeling of missing being so connected...
big love always-
Beautiful. It's that much more touching hearing you read it.
very touching. thank you for sharing. you have a beautiful accent. (:
Lovely to see you and hear your voice. Also love seeing the nursery in progress behind you.
I like the idea of 'future memories', I'm so sorry that your much loved, much wanted and anticipated little girl isn't here to create those memories with you, to live out all those plans that you and your husband made with so much care and affection. I hope that those future memories that you made become real memories with your dear boy but I know that you will always be missing your precious Stevie. And now I'm crying with you xoxo
I sometimes miss the intensity of the early grief as well. Good choice.
So glad you joined in, you're such a gift to this community, just like Angie.
I'm crying. So beautifully written. I connected with another baby loss mom at work today. She and I became friends in a sad way. It was well known around work that I had lost a baby halfway through my pregnancy (long after I had excitedly told everyone), so whenever anyone else is facing a baby loss, they come to me. I heard through other people that she was experiencing something and I reached out. We discovered that our babies had the same diagnosis - triplody. 3 of every chromosome instead of 2. What a strange way to connect. Here I am connecting with you in cyberspace too. I never expected to be a part of this community, but it has been a blessing. That's why I wrote my story in my blog. I don't have a ton of time to blog, but getting my story out online was good for me and I know that other people have read it and connected to it. What a blessing to have these resources that women never had 20 year ago!
Yes, I can understand that feeling to go back to connect. Thank you for sharing. I'm just sorry Stevie isn't safely in your arms. I love the way you describe your home filling with hopes and dreams, you've captured something there that I think we all know. x
You have a very cute accent, btw this is so interesting, thank you for sharing
You're so brave reading this beautiful post. I would have bawled the whole way through it. I really like the concept of future memories... makes it more tangible what we were robbed of. Life will always be minus one, no matter what. Thanks for sharing. xo
I remember this post, it was incredible to hear you read it. I love knowing how the mamas I've come to know through blogs sound and look. Thanks for sharing.
I love what you say about future memories and it was amazing to hear you and see you reading this post with the nursery in progress in the background. Thanks so much for bravely sharing this post. Much love to you.
My daugher was born August 20th 2010... She's my everything, I'm so sorry for your loss!!! I could not listen to this without the tears coming. I had preterm labor for the last 5 months of my pregancy and almost lost her, she was born 7 days early, but is doing great now :)
I know little Elliot will be ok! So try to put all your worries behind you, My mom lost my sister at 35 weeks, and I could not relax during my pregnancy because of that.
But I just had this feeling that it will be ok, and I have the same feeling about Elliot! so please try (even though it's hard) to enjoy your pregnancy or at least try not to worry too much (I know this is really hard to do).
I will keep little Elliot in our prayers and I can't wait to see what his little face looks like!
God bless!//Sarah
Thank you for taking part - that was an incredibly moving post. As others have said, I can relate completely to the idea of future memories.
What a beautiful and so very true post/vlog. After your child has died not matter how many other children you have there is always someone missing. Take care of yourself.
So beautiful <3
Thank you for sharing. I didn't have much time to think about my hopes and dreams for my son before he was taken from me. I only had 4 months with him inside me. I didn't even know that he was a he until I delivered him. Since losing him, I grieve, not only for him, but also for the moments and dreams that I now realize I'll never have.
You don't sound like I thought you would. You sound better.
I bet people wonder how you can miss a memory that never happened but it's so true when you lose a baby. You miss all of those wonderful memories you never got to make
I miss the early grief too sometimes. I felt more free to miss her openly than now. (as you know people certainly expect you to get over it)
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