Dear Elliot,
I've had a lot going on this week and thought I'd do a quick update.
1. Dad and I started our Hypnobabies classes on Tuesday night. We have one 3.5-hour long class a week for the next six weeks, and lots of practice/homework each night. I am loving it so far! For anyone who is like, 'what the heck is Hypnobabies??' It's a birthing method that uses self-hypnosis to achieve a comfortable, natural birthing experience. It focuses a lot on using our minds to control our bodies, and the idea that if we can train our subconscious minds to accept certain ideas, eventually those ideas will become our reality. Essentially, we are 'training' our minds to view childbirth as a beautiful, joyful thing. The part I like best about the program is all the relaxation exercises you are required to do at home. It's already been really helpful for me to have that time set aside each day to just relax and think only positive thoughts about this pregnancy. Anyway, I am really glad we decided to do this!
2. I had a follow-up appointment with my asthma specialist yesterday and my lung function is still pretty awful. I was hoping they would tell me things had really improved in the last month or so, but a new test showed some pretty severe inflammation of my lungs. So that sucks. I was given a prescription for a new preventative inhaler to try, so we'll see if that helps at all. I'd really just like to be able to breath like a normal human being!
3. I failed my one-hour glucose screening today, which means I get to go back on Monday and do the three-hour screening to rule out Gestational Diabetes. I am actually kind of annoyed because I was only a few points off from passing, and the nurse who drew my blood said, "you didn't eat any rice or anything like that today, did you?" And I was like, "um, yeah, I ate a huge bowl of stir fry for lunch." Then she said, "Oh, well that probably messed with your results." So here's what I don't understand: why send me home with a typed up instruction sheet about this test, and NOT include anything about staying away from carbs, if that can mess up the results?? Honestly, I don't think I have GD, considering I eat pretty healthy and am only up 18 pounds at 28 weeks, but who knows. Hey, at least I get to drink another bottle of that sugary orange drink--I loved it (and yes, I'm completely serious!)
4. Tomorrow afternoon we have your 28-week growth ultrasound. I am so excited to see how much you've grown in the last four weeks. Today at my OB appointment, my belly/uterus was measuring two weeks 'big,' so I am curious to see what they estimate your weight to be. I also really hope they'll give us a little peak in 3D...I am getting SO anxious to see your sweet face!
5. I really need to figure out how to sleep better at night. Last night I probably got less than three hours total. Between my crappy breathing, you kicking me like crazy, the dogs trying to sleep on my face, Dad snoring, having to pee every hour, my big awkward belly, and just pregnancy insomnia in general, the whole sleep thing is just not working for me. If anyone out there has any tips or advice, I'm all ears!
Okay, I think that's about it. Sorry for the super boring post. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have good news to share after the ultrasound!
Love you,
Slow Start
1 week ago
Great update, Kristin! How awesome that you're enjoying Hypnobabies! I'm going to start a hypnofertility program in a couple of weeks to help my subconscious mind heal from my loss and my negative feelings about my body and fertility. The instructor also teaches hypnobirthing, and it sounds like the process and exercises are somewhat similar. Can't wait to hear more about your 28 week appointment!
You asked for advice on sleeping. When I was hugely pregnant, I slept with a full body pillow. I can't say that I slept through the night, but I think the pillow helped keep me a bit more comfortable.
Hypnobabies sounds awesome! I love being hypnotized I do it at home sometimes and it is amazing how relaxed your body can get without sleeping! Very exciting about your ultrasound tomorrow, but I hope you start breathing and sleeping better! Those are both really important parts of life! Maybe try to fast (nothing to eat or drink except water) and have the test in the morning. I think I had to fast with mine, maybe that will help. Good luck!
My sister in law did a hypnosis birth and spoke very highly of it! So wonderful that there are so many choices out there for every different situation! For me, I'm excited about that epidural :D So glad things are going so well, cant wait to see u/s pictures tomorrow!
They let you eat before the glucose test? I had to fast and take it first thing in the morning...good luck on Monday!
Well sorry you aren't sleeping well :( My only suggestion is that my pregnancy pillow has helped a TON (Snoogle) also I have a pregnancy wedge (which is far less expensive) which helps me not freak out about smushing my belly during the night... hope that helps (((hugs)))
Advice on sleeping? Keep the dogs out of your bed and off your face!
I had trouble sleeping and the only place I could get comfortable was in our big comfy recliner or the glider in the nursery. By sleeping in the upright position it helped open my airways. Also I used the cool mist vaporizer and hepa-air-filter, that my son uses every night now, to help clean the air.
I also used a pregnancy pillow and it was awesome! Beware of the 3 hour glucose test. I failed my first one with my first baby by a few points (I had some cake about 2 hours before the test. Bad idea!) Then I went in for the 3 hour early in the morning after not eating the whole night. I had to stay the full 3 hours and my blood sugar was so low by the time I left that I was sweaty and shaking. Good thing I had some emergency peanuts in the car! My advice- get a pregnancy pillow and bring an emergency snack to the 3 hour test! Also, the stuff you drink for the 3 hour test wasn't as yummy as the one hour stuff. :(
The glucose test should be done in the morning after an overnight fast. They shouldn't be doing it later in the day after you've been eating.
I LOVED and used several times per week Sleepy Time Tea by Celestial Seasonings (it has the bear in a nightcap sitting in a rocking chair on the front of the box). That and used a spare pillow under my tummy. Good Luck!
I too loved the orange drink! I was also allowed to eat before my one hour (every doctor is different). I stayed away from carbs the night before and had a high protein breakfast before the test. And luckily I passed.
Good luck with the 3 hour!
I had found that having a walk and a full stomach (usually peanut butter, butter, honey toast , easy on the liquids) right before lying down did wonders. As you get farther along the middle of the night hunger pains will only get worse. A walk is really great for helping baby get into position as the weeks go on, and to work off some of the late night jitters.
I'm glad things are going well, your little family are in my thoughts daily. (Sending happy vibes your way! ) :)
I always did the GD tests first thing in the AM, so all I would have beforehand is water.
And for sleeping... when I can't breathe, I use a ton of pillows so I'm about halfway between upright and prone.
Glad to see all the good news between this post and the one after it!
Eating something high in protein with a nice cup of tea in the evening may help sleeping issues. I also agree with the body pillow suggestion.
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