I just noticed I have a bunch of new followers! Awesome! If you're one of them (anyone who started following in the last couple months...), would you mind leaving a comment, introducing yourselves, and posting the link to your blog, if you have one? I'd love to add some new blogs to my reading list! :)
Thank you guys for all your support, and for being a part of Stevie's story.
Turn back time
6 days ago
I meant to comment when I found your blog but probably forgot. Who knows!
I'm K. My blog is linked to my profile.
I'm sorry for what you went through but have to say that you are an incredible person and an incredible writer and I love reading your posts, often in parts so I don't start crying.
Hey! I'm Deni and I found you through Britt @ PeaceBegan! My blog is http://makingourtroxclairfamily.blogspot.com. My losses were early, and they hurt, but I can't imagine what you went through with Stevie and I'm forever grateful for all of the work you do with faces!
usually i WAY too scattered to comment...but hey, since you insist;)
you are truly inspiring, what an amazing spirit and woman you are.
my blog is not for everyone. enough said;)
thank you for sharing your journey with others...i'm sure that you have touched and influenced many a soul. including mine.
<3 andrea
I'm Jess - I lost my two angels within 6 months of each other - the latest was in August and I started my blog a couple weeks after at the end of August. I started following you back in September :)
<3 Personal blog: http://survivingmiscarriages.blogspot.com
<3 Heaven's Doves (free custom dove for lost babies): http://heavensdoves.blogspot.com
<3 My store: http://toobeautifulforearthart.blogspot.com
I'm Trena - I lost my twin boys on August 15, 2010. My water broke while I was sleeping. I was 6 months pregnant. I truly enjoy reading your blog. And FOLFOH has helped me tremendously and I have "met" so many wonderful women who I consider near and dear to me. Thank you ♥
Hello, I'm Katrina (Kat). I found you through the Faces blog. My son Dylan died in June 2008 from multiple birth defects. You can find my blog at: http://indylansmemory.blogspot.com/
I am Krystle, I was in the August group with you on BBC. I have been following your blog through BBC for awhile and then when I started my own Blog in my profile by the way, I started to just follow you through your blog.
Hi! I'm Tina...I lost one of my twins at 10 weeks during our pregnancy. Thankfully, our other twin is still cooking at 37 weeks. :) I've loved reading your blog, which I found through ICLW. My blog is at http://therosbowl.blogspot.com.
Hello, I'm Nicole. I lost my first pregnancy at about 20 weeks on March 4, 2010. I delivered a beautiful & healthy baby girl, who we named Hope. It took about a year and a half (with the help of 4 rounds of Clomid) to get pregnant and now, 8 months later (and having had another 3 rounds of Clomid) I have no + HPT results. :( No reasons as to why I lost her, scientifically. I do have a blog, but it is private. I'd love to have you join - just send your email to me (tnsancks21@maxwire.net) and I'll add your name to my list. I LOVE reading your blogs. You write so beautifully and truthfully. It helps knowing there are people in my shoes (although I wish you didn't have to be).
Hi Kristin! I'm Amber mother to David. I have been following your blog for a little while and I look forward to you following mine as well. The link is hhtp;//reachingdavid.blogspot.com.. My blog is private but I did send you an invite through your email. You can also email me at amber11402@gmail.com...
I'm not sure if you have mine.
But, Hi! I'm Elizabeth, I miscarried my first baby Aiden, in March. His due date is actually tomorrow...
Anyways, I started following your story when you first joined the M/S/I group on babycenter, and I am one of the Mod helpers on the Faces forum. We are also friends on facebook.
My blog link is http://mrslizzylane.blogspot.com/
Hi Kristin, I followed your blog for a while now. I'm from BBC board.
I have a blog but don't use it, not really good with words :(
Hi, I am new in the past five months. I lost my son, Wyatt James to HLHS on my 30th birthday, June 6. He was 29 weeks gestation and was our only egg retrieved with IVF.
I love your blog! <3
And I met a awesome friend though one of the blogs you follow so thanks!!
Hi, my blog is http://loved-so-much.blogspot.com/
I'm Veronica, and I've been following your blog since you were on the August board over at BBC. I just made a blog and so started officially "following".
I've just been amazed at how strong you've become, and love reading your posts.
Hello :) My name is Brittany. My tiny blog, Story of a Brown Eyed Girl, is linked to my profile.
You have just been an inspiration to me. I love what you're doing through Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope! Please be encouraged in knowing you're doing a great, great thing :)
recent follower here! :)
i'm tiffany. i lost my 4.5 mo old son, julius, 4 wks ago today to SIDS. i'm in the midst of my grief and struggling daily to make it, but your blog, and FoL have provided me with some inspiration and motivation to make it during some of my most difficult moments.
i actually found you through my good friend rebecca over at the road less traveled blog.
my blog is http://holybfpbatman.blogspot.com/, and i see it under your 'blogs i follow' list...thx so much. xoxo
Hi:) I was in your babycenter birth club. I've actually commented on here before. I started reading your blog before Stevie died, when you made a post about blogging for our babies. I still remember the day we all found out she was gone, I bawled my eyes out reading her birth story. I have a little girl now, she's 2 months old. You are a very inspiring person and a role model for all mamas. I wish you all the best with Faces of Loss and in your journey in TTC. My blog only has two followers lol, but it's lencinasfamily.blogspot.com. Thank you for your amazing story.
Hey Kristin! I'm new to the blogging community. I think I came upon your page from the faces of loss page. My name is Besa, I'm 30 years old and my son Dylan was stillborn on August 24th. Since then I have found so many blogs from so many strong beautiful women that basically help get me through each day. I can't express how much this community has helped me.
Here's the link to my blog if you're interested.
Hey my name is Heather. I love the FOLFOH site. Great job there. Brinley was born still on August 18th. My blog is
Hey there I am Brittany. Recently started reading your blog and I love it ! I am not a babyloss mom but you are more than welcome to come read my blog about my journey with my daughter.
Hi! I have been following your blog since the early stages of your pregnancy with Stevie. I thought I'd still introduce myself since you've never visited my blog and got to know me that way. And I did NOT mean that in a rude/mean way at ALL. I just realized that it probably came across that way. But I didn't mean it to. I know you have tons of blogs that you follow. I just meant it as an explanation for why I'm introducing myself. :)
I found your blog through Lindsay. I have gotten to know her/become friends with her over the past couple years through our Xanga blogs. When I saw you were pregnant, I started following you then. I am a junior at a small Christian university in Indiana. And I absolutely adore babies and kids. They make/take up most of my life!
Bethany here... started following you a month or so ago after finding faces of loss, faces of hope... we have emailed each other on facebook a little (i did an interview with a local news program for october 15th.)
Kristin you "know" me already, but I just wanted to thank you AGAIN for starting Faces. You have helped many of my friends and family and that means the world to me. Thank you for being extraordinary.
Hi Kristen! I've been following your blog for quite some time now and comment frequently. Yours was one of the first blogs I started reading after I lost my son in August, and it was one of the blogs that encouraged me to start my own blog! Thank you for being such an admirable BLM!
Hi there. I'm Kara and I found you through Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope campaign. I've lost my first two pregnancies (both in 2010) to miscarriage, one at 10 weeks and one at almost 20. I blog at http://pagesofunknown.wordpress.com on a daily basis and http://hopebelongstogod.blogspot.com about my little Nadia Anne and Angel Baby...
Hi Kristen- I have commented before but wanted to post here for you. I am a mother of four children- three who hold my hand and one who holds my heart. My blog is at www.cullensblessings.wordpress.com
I am thinking of you....
I'm not a new follower, but will chime in with how much I continue to enjoy your blog. I've been following since the very beginning. :) Amy C.
Hi Kristen. I am Amy, and also a BBC mom. You were in my friend Anjel's August birth board, and she mentioned your loss. In fact, Anjel and I are members of the Loss of March 2009 babies. Our group of about 25 women have been supporting one another since around June of 2008. She asked for us to keep you in our prayers after Stevie died. I was so touched because your due date was my due date a year earlier with Sara. I felt a strong connection to you immediately.
You are such a strong woman, and are such an inspiration to me. I pray for you daily, and I know you will one day have your rainbow baby.
Wow, this is AWESOME! Thank you everyone! I am so excited to get to know all of you better. <3
I have commented a few times...my blog is
I am so inspired by what you are doing.
I'm Missy mom to Chaunchai and Ayana. Grateful for all that you do. Much love to you!
Even though I am not a 'follower' I have been reading your blog for some time now. I first started reading your blog after you were featured on WCCO (I am not a BLM or even a mother at all). The things you are doing are amazing and so needed. ~Katie B~
I'm Sally, I'm Hope's mum. I'm in Australia and Hope was stillborn at 40 weeks 5 days on 19 August 2008. I don't always comment here, but I always read. Same at Faces of Loss.
Just love all that you do for this community, especially given you are so new to it.
Hi Kristin -
I have been following your blog since joining Faces of Loss, I cannot begin to tell you how thankful I am for that site!!! It sucks that we all have to go thru this journey but at least we are not alone!!! You are such an inspiration to me!! Big hugs to you!!!
I'm Melissa! I was the one who emailed you a week or so ago about Faces of Loss being made a top resource for the Pregnancy Loss Clinic in Edmonton, Alberta. :) I blog at www.gemyn87.blogspot.com.
Hi Kristin, I'm Kristen with an "e"! I lost my first baby at 13 weeks in September 2010. Faces of Loss was one of the first resources I found for baby loss moms and I am SO thankful for the community there (which is where I came across your blog and many others). Your dedication to raising awareness and developing/disseminating information to others is truly inspiring. I have an itty bitty blog over at http://hopedeferred-kristen.blogspot.com/
Hey Kristin! I have actually been following you since May, but I just started a blog in the last few weeks. I lost my first baby at 10 1/2 weeks on May 7 this year, and your blog has been so incredibly helpful to me. I felt so desperate and alone, and felt like no one understood what I was going through....that is, until I found you. I am so invested in your story and your life. I think about you all the time, and I can't wait to see what life has in store for you. You deserve something truly amazing. xoxo, Valarie
My blog: http://senoritabossyboots.blogspot.com/
Thanks for sharing your story. I lost my baby girl 7 weeks ago. She was born at nearly 29 weeks and passed away due to a chromosome abnormality.
My blog
Hi Kristen,
I came to your blog as a fellow BBC August 2010 member. I remembered you because our LO's were to have the same due date. My heart goes out to you for your loss. You seem to be an amazingly strong woman. It's incredible what you have been doing with Faces and the whole baby loss community. Much love...
Hi Kristin,
I found your blog via Glow in the Woods (on their blogroll). We have a lot in common. I too lost my first baby, a daughter we named Brianna, on August 9, 2010. I recently started my blog http://theneonlight.blogspot.com/ as a way to get out my feelings and connect with other babyloss parents.
And I just wanted to say I love Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope. I will definitely be spending some time there. And I hope to submit my story really soon.
Thanks for all you have done for us in this community of grieving parents.
I am Melissa. My daughter Mikayla Grace was born premature on June 13th, 2010. She lived for 36 hours, but has forever changed my life. I blog at www.amazingmikaylagrace.blogspot.com. I've been following your blog here and your journey with FOLFOH for a few months. I'm so thankful to have this community of support. Thanks for all of your work with FOLFOH, it is such an inspiration!
I am not exactly sure how I ended up here, but I am thankful that I did. My heart goes out to you and to the many who share your sorrow. May your hearts find comfort and peace.
Hi Kristin, I'm Kelly and I've been keeping tabs on you for a while as a BBC August 2010 momma. I'm not a blm and I don't blog, hence I don't follow, but I do think of you and Stevie. You're an amazingly strong woman, an exceptional writer and a wonderful mother. Stay strong and know you're making a difference.
Hey doll.. I don't remember where exactly I found your blog, but I follow it. You're an amazing writer and EVERY entry makes me cry at my desk. I've read tons and tons of stories on FOL, FOH and sent away for you to send me postcards (which you did). I started a little fund at work to raise some money to send back to you for the postcards, and also to help out in any way you need with FOL. I'm linking my blog, although it's pretty pathetic right now.. it was started as a pregnancy blog 7 months ago, but we're still TTC. Maybe on day. I can't wait to read that you're TTC again and on your way to your beautiful angel baby. RIP beautiful Stevie. <3 <3
I'm Brandy. My son Andrew was born at 38w5d without a heartbeat. Definitely still broken nearly 7 weeks out.
I blog and have for a couple years now... just lately the posts have been more cynical and somber. Thanks for writing-- it's helping at least for today.
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