Dear Elliot,
So I'm always talking about all the things your sister taught me. Stuff about love, compassion, etc etc. Well you, my son, are currently teaching me a lot about patience! I am not a patient person by nature. I'm like the opposite actually. I hate waiting for anything, especially things I really, really want. And I've never wanted anything as badly as I want you.
My body's been just teasing me since my last update. On Friday night, I started having contractions that were coming at what I thought was every 3-5 minutes or so. My doctor had told me earlier that day, after stripping my membranes, to head to L&D if they were 7-10 minutes apart, since I was already 4cm dialated and it could go fast once it began. So we went to the hospital, where the monitor actually showed my contractions were 2-4 minutes apart. They weren't very uncomfortable or intense, however, so they had me walk around the hospital for an hour and come back to be re-checked. I hadn't made any progress after an hour of walking, so they sent me home.
All weekend I continued to have contractions that never really picked up in strength. Every now and then I'd get a pretty painful one, but they weren't coming regularly.
Grandma (my mom) came over on Saturday and helped me clean the house (and by 'helped me' I mean she insisted on doing pretty much everything herself to save me from 'inhaling too much dust' and things like that!). That afternoon I had some 'bloody show' (I don't know what's grosser--that word combo or 'mucus plug!'), and I was sure that meant real labor had to be just around the corner.
Welp, I was wrong. By Sunday afternoon, my contractions had all but disappeared. They came back that night, but were pretty much gone by Monday morning.
Yesterday I had my last ultrasound and NST. Everyone at my doctor's office was like, 'oh we thought for sure you would have delivered by now!' when I walked in the door.
Last night I had the most uncomfortable contractions and cramps I've experienced yet. But again this morning? Nada. Maybe I will be one of those people that is already like 7cm dialated by the time they they are actually in active labor :)
I've tried everything they say to try to get labor started. But I guess you are just not quite ready yet. At least I am going to end up with buns and legs of steel from all the walking, squatting, dancing, and bouncing on my birth ball I have been doing!
I'm trying to be patient, baby boy. But this whole experience is really stretching me (pun not intended, haha). I've basically been waiting for a baby since December of 2009, when I found out I was pregnant with Stevie. You'd think after over two years, getting through these last few days would be easy. I'm just so freaking ready to be done with the waiting!
Just come on out little E. I promise you're really going to enjoy it out here. You have no idea how very loved you are, by so many people.
Turn back time
2 days ago
I have been checking every day for the magic words, "He's here!" I am very excited for you and love reading the updates!
soon, very soon!! can't wait.
Hope it's soon for you! I'm going to be very impatient too because I've been waiting to have a baby since Jan. 2010 myself! (((hugs)))
hoping that your next update is an announcement. I know how anxious and excited (and all those feelings that go along with the last few days( you are.
I have been checking your blog often hoping I will see an announcement that Elliott is here. It sounds like you are getting close though!
hoping he changes his mind soon, and decides to join this crazy world. he is very loved already and I am excited that he and Asher may be sharing a birthday :) thinking of you and hoping things progress so you can meet your little man <3
Thank you for sharing yourself on this blog.. I found it last night and have been reading it since. on 2/22/12 I gave birth to our sweet Lillian Elyse after going to a routine appt and realizing she had no heartbeat. We were so excited to meet her just as her brother and sister was. I miss her so much and it hurts so have captured every emotion and I appreciate your honesty.. Congrats to you on your new baby and for having the strength to honor Stevie..Thank you! Candace
Hang in there! You have so many people thinking happy hopeful thoughts for you and your little family, and no one could deserve them more.
By the way, I have a present for you! Not sure if you got my email, I know you are pretty preoccupied these days ;) But I would love to send you a little something I made for Elliot, if you are comfortable giving me some kind of mailing address.
Much love to you and yours -- Vera Kate
So close! I have been following you since you were journaling Stevie's pregnancy, our daughter was due around the same time. It makes me so happy that you are finally going to have a baby to bring home. I'm praying for peace in your heart right now, and you are so right Elliot is loved beyond words by so many, my family included.
I am the freak on the commuter train crying. So happy for you and yes that little man is loved by people like me who he will never meet. I will continue to pray that her arrives soon!
We are all waiting Kristen, literally! You are really inspirational, believe it or not! I can't wait to see him in your arms! Hang in there and relax because he will be here soon (: Sending all the luck your way.
Praying that these last few days go quickly & smoothly for you!! I can't wait to see pictures of you holding him...And that's saying a lot, because these days my heart usually can't even bear to look at a pregnant woman or baby. I am so excited for you- Elliot is one lucky little boy :)
I have been reading your blog since I lost my son 2/2/2012. I think you are the only person I am okay with hearing having a baby! Congrats he is almost here! I have a 2-year-old boy, boys are just super fun!
My first one was due on Nov 7th (the year? many many many years ago...) on Oct 31 I was whining to my doctor and he just smiled and said, "ya know it could be anyday, could even be tonight!" That cheered me up, so I waited, thinking it could be any minute. He was born on Nov 13th! It helped me to REST more than push myself, then the fake contractions would go away! :)
I now officially will join the ranks of blog stalker! We are here Kristen, just waiting right beside you for the happy outcome!
Please be careful what you wish for. When I was discharged from my hospital bedrest I was at 4cm at 34weeks. Our rainbow was born at 38w4d. During those 4w4d I only felt 3-5 contractions per day--none of them painful. On the morning our rainbow was born, from the time I woke up until the time he was born was only 2hour and 1 minute. Within 2 minutes of getting on the triage table my water broke, I was completely effaced and completely dilated. I think I only pushed for 45 minutes before he was born. I felt so completely ready to push that we didn't even have time to get the cameras from the car, so we don't have any just born pictures or anything. So, be careful what you wish for. I hope your labor begins soon, you have plenty of time to get to the hospital, get settled in your room and enjoy this little man's entrance to the world.
Oh Kristin I can imagine you are just READY! I have a son, but had a miscarriage 3 years ago this week and then lost my twin daughters the next year so it has been 3 years that I have been waiting for that baby in my arms. Our situations are different because I do have a son, but I know the feeling of trying to be patient. Every day I have to remind myself to be patient. I can't imagine being so close like you are and just wanting him to be here! I'm thinking of you and Elliot, I have been checking in on you. I hope he doesn't make you wait much longer!
I've been compulsively checking your blog! Haha! I hope your wait is over soon. :)
Can you please have this baby already? Please and thank you!! <3 <3
I can't even imagine how incredibly impatient you must feel. You HAVE been waiting for what seems like forever! Come on, Elliot!!
Hoping that everyone is healthy and that you get to meet Mr. Elliot very soon! Take care.
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