Dear Stevie,
I've been having a pretty down week, so I figured it was time to put on my 'positivity goggles' and make an effort to notice the good things in my life once again.
The little things that bring me joy:
1. Sixlets. I have always had a strange obsession with these yummy little 'candy-coated chocolate-flavored candies,' and have recently discovered they are now available in bulk form at Target. Amazing for my tastebuds, not so amazing for my waistline!
2. Etsy. I came home today to find these fun vintage-y necklaces in my mailbox. One even has a tree! I try to keep a nice, steady flow of Etsy purchases going at all times, so I always have something to look forward to.
3. "Where Men Win Glory." Jon Krakauer (author of "Into the Wild" and "Under the Banner of Heaven") has done it again! Amazing, amazing read for those, like me, that are into nonfiction. I had to put it down on a few occasions because it made me just so mad about the war we're in (and certain political figures associated with/responsible for that war), but I loved it!
4. A freezer completely filled with frozen apple juice, just waiting to be made into home-brewed hard cider :).
5. Rain. I've been feeling down a lot, and it's been raining like crazy. I love it when the weather mimicks my mood.
6. A husband that cooks for me. And wears Zubas while doing it!
7. The Birchwood Cafe. This is our new favorite spot for lunch, located in the Seward neighborhood in Minneapolis. Their menu changes all the time, and they use only in-season local, organic ingredients. What you see below is the cauliflower and fresh nutmeg soup with a side of jalepeno, cumin and lime chickpeas. Yum!
8. The fact that my house is now a chai tea factory. Dad has decided he wants to make and sell his own chai tea blends for fun, and has been perfecting his recipe for the last few days. So far, he has plans for a spicy hot pepper blend called 'Chai-ranasourus Rex' and a gingery Asian blend called 'Samur-chai.' How creative (and funny) is he? (some of his recipe notes are below).
There, I feel a bit better already :)
Miss you always.
Turn back time
2 days ago