Dear Stevie,
I've seen a lot of bloggers who dedicate a day each week/month/whatever to appreciate the positive, good things in their lives. I decided to join in. I'm not sure if this will be a weekly thing, or just something I do whenever I'm feeling particularly positive (or when I'm feeling particularly negative, and want to turn it around!), but here goes nothing.
The little things in my life that make me happy.
1. 'Jeggings.' The half-jeans, half-leggings phenomenon that I am growing incredibly fond of. What a genius invention! The look of jeans, with the feel of nice, stretchy, keep expanding with your stomach as the day goes on, or after a really big lunch, leggings. Jeggings are also much, much cheaper than real jeans (at least at Target!), so I can easily justify buying them in multiple colors and washes. And come on, they're called 'jeggings.' How funny is that?
2. Candles. For some reason, Target had all of their 'winter pine' scented candles on super mega clearance last week (for like $1.48!), so we've been hitting all the Targets in the city and stocking up. We have at least 20 of them around the house right now, and it seriously smells like I've walked into Christmas itself every time I step in the front door. I love it.
3. Chai tea lattes. I am not a coffee drinker (which may be shocking to some people, as I grew up in Seattle, and both my dad and my husband are so into coffee that they roast their own beans!), but I love chai tea. Here in Minnesota, we've had lots of 'take the dogs on a walk while wearing a sweater and sipping on a nice, hot mug of chai' weather this last week, and its been amazing.
4. Headbands. I wore a headband today for the first time since I was, I don't know, eight years old. I realize they've been in style for like a year and a half, but that's usually about how long it takes me to take part in any fashion trend. I'm always a bit behind. There are so many trends I swore I would never get into, like leggings, and scarves with T-shirts, skinny jeans, and Uggs. But give me about a year and a half to get used to the idea, and if its still around, I'll usually hop on the bandwagon.
5. My Minnetonka Moccasins. How cute are they? And super comfy!
6. The new Suave Rosemary Mint Shampoo. Okay, so it's not quite as heavenly as the Aveda version, but it's pretty darn close (and about $15 cheaper per bottle!)
7. This little face. No matter what kind of mood I'm in, or how crappy and lame I feel, this little creature thinks I am the greatest thing in the world. It's nice to be loved like that :)
I have a lot of good things in my life. Just wish you were in it, too.
Turn back time
4 days ago
the suave bottle makes me wanna say "wow your hair looks so great i cant believe you use the cheap stuff" like the commercials LOL!!!
i love my marvelous mondays!!! it really does give me a day to really focus on what im grateful for
I love this post!!!!
I love this! I don't blog, but I think I am going to try this too. With the HUGE sad hole in my life it is sometimes so hard to see all the thing, big and little that I am blessed by. Thanks for this!
Okay, so I am officialy lovin'
The Jeggings
The Rosemary Mint Shampoo, gotta try that!
I'm a Chai Girl too :)
And those adorable Moccasins!
Kudo's to you on posting the positives. Somedays its easier to do this than others, so go lightly on yourself if you feel those days that you can't. And, when you can, we want to hear all about it :)
Have a good weekend honey...
What a good idea for an entry. I should do that sometime :) I had never heard of jeggings that is SO funny!
I LOVE chai tea lattes too & your little dog has the cutest freaking face!!! This post brought a smile to my face on a day that I really needed it...thanks:)
Great post!!!! I love the shoes, but if I got some like that my husband would throw them away, lol!!! I want my house to smell like Christmas too, I must make a trip to Target. Take care!
Lovin' this idea Kristin :) The mocossins are adorable! I still need to get me some jeggings. TARGET? Didn't know they had them there! I'm excited. I've been feeling a little fat these days. At least they'll cheer me up some haha. I have that Suave shampoo just I think in a different scent. Ohh! And I love candles! And that camera of yours. Take care girl. love ya.
A girl after my own heart! I am so jealous of the candles and am planning a Target trip this weekend to try to see if my area has them. I <3 chai tea lattes. And that very conditioner sits in my shower now.
Hummmm...I wonder if Canada does Suave rosemary mint shampoo? Me thinks I might go hunting in the shampoo aisle.
Ooo I love like all of those things.
I'm a freak for headbands.
I'm nutty for candles.
and I would bathe in chai tea if I could.
You look super cute in your jeggings. I could never pull em off.
I have those Mocs!! LOVE THEM!! :)
:) thanks for reminding me that there ARE good things in life, even when life itself seems so crappy.
LOVE this post! I get a kick out of people posting lists of stuff for me to go shopping for. ;)
I seriously, seriously want to try jeggings SO bad! I have huge hips though and I'm not sure they'd look anywhere near decent, but I might stop by Target [bc I love Target] and try some on to see. Your outfit in the jeggings pic is SO cute!
I need some of those mocs! They look super cute & comfy!
Yes, chai is a favorite of mine too. I'm glad you have so many cute and fun things around to bring a smile for you. Your little dog has the sweetest face :)
Love it. I am a MASSIVE chai tea fan. <3
Jeggings? I am apparently WAY behind on times! I didn't even know they existed! Okay, so I'm sure I have seen people wearing them and just had no idea that is what they were.
And I had to laugh. I read this at 3 thihs morning and was already planning on wearing a headband today. And then you blogged about headbands. I honestly never thought I'd actually wear a headband again after I gave those up in elementary school. And then whaddaya know? I'm wearing headbands again. Crazy.
Dear Kristen,
I found you on the faces of loss, faces of hope site and was very touched by your love for your beautiful daughter. Since then I have been following your blog for Stevie. You have probably already read the comments I left you. I think what you do for your angel and all of the other angel mommies is so special and I know it means a lot to them. I was inspired by you and many of the other moms who write angel names to do the same. I have started a blog in honor of my angel Micah Quinn. It is still bran knew and in its rough stages, but I am working on that. I invite you to stop by if you have a moment. The address is . I have also made a gift (a photo of Stevie's name) for you which I would love to email you. I would also love your permission to post it on my blog. If it is okay please email me back with your email address and any information you would like posted with the photo. Thank you again for what you do in honor of your beautiful daughter.
Sorry I forgot to include my email address. It is .
I was wanting to try that shampoo out and now that you posted about it I am going to have to go get it!! And jeggings, I might have to try those! I am all for comfort! :)
your dog looks like a stuffed animal. she makes me smile, too!
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