Day 12 of the 30-day blog challenge: What's something you're OCD about?
You know, I am actually not 'OCD' about much. I'm not an organized person. I'm not a clean person, at all. Messes and piles and dishevelment really don't bother me one bit. I'm not a 'germaphob' by any means (I have no problem sharing an ice cream cone with my dogs, and I am a firm believer in the 10-second rule). I probably wouldn't even notice if you didn't wash your hands after coming out of the bathroom.
But use the incorrect form of 'your' or 'their' and I will go all psycho on you.
You know how for some people, one little thing not in its proper place can totally drive them crazy? That's me with certain grammar mistakes. I can't handle it. An innocent statement like, "your such a great friend" can send me over the edge. A simple questions like "do you want to go their with us?" is enough to ruin my day (okay, I might be exaggerating just a little, but you get the point).
I am one of those people that can't help but edit the newspaper I'm reading or the magazine I'm flipping through. There was this one time I found a greeting card that had on the front "You can never have to much of a good thing." That right there is the visual equivalent of nails on a chalkboard. It just hurts to read.
Alright, rant over. :)
Turn back time
5 days ago
I agree. I must admit to being a poor speller...but I'm pretty good with my grammar. That card would have irritated me too.
Haha...I am the SAME way! Those kind of grammatical errors drive me insane!
Love it! I am just like you when it comes to grammar mistakes.
Ha!! My friends and I used to call those our DOL (daily oral language) Pet Peeve! In school they used to write the sentences on the board and we would have to correct the grammer mistakes and they called that our DOLs! Mine is ALOT. Seriously people... you see that wrong ALL the time! A (space) lot. That's how you do it!
Funny!!! You should join those 2 grammar stalkers that go around changing signs in cognito!
You did major in English didn't you? Now, when I write with poor grammar in my posts to you...just close your eyes and ignore it. LOL :)
OH man that bothers me too. Occasionally I will typo one of those and it sends me into self-flagellating hysterics.
I AM SO WITH YOU!!! It drives me nuts, too! Except, I am a germophobe, so I can't really relate with that one :)
I make many mistakes, but I do notice and cringe a bit with the "your, their, too" words.
OMG!! Their/they're/there and your/you're and to/too drives ME INSANE!!
Ohhh and use of an apostrophe when it isn't needed drives me nuts too. Like when someone's facebook status says, "______ love's my husband!" SO ANNOYING!
There's a house in my neighborhood, and apparently people had been letting their dogs potty in their yard a little bit too much... because they put a sign up that says, "My yard is not a bathroom for YOU'RE" dog. Seriously people, you literally just wrote, "my yard is not a bathroom for you are dog". haha!
Hehe.. I'm the same way. It irks me beyond belief. I flip out when I notice mistakes on restaurant menus, or on TV -- how do they not have an editor, a person like us, to notice these things?!
I am the EXACT same way! Those mistakes drive me nuts!
I have the same grammatical OCD. My sister has it, too. We actually stop to take pictures of incorrect billboards and signs and sent them to each other. At Gracie’s baby shower I received a onesie that says “I’m cuter then your baby.” When I showed it to my husband he said “I can’t believe you’re not twitching.” Needless to say, none of my kids will ever wear that onesie!
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