Dear Readers,
I kind of hate to do this, but I am in a really tough spot.
Yesterday I lost my job suddenly and unexpectedly, after four+ years of glowing reviews. My position was simply 'eliminated' days after my pregnancy was officially announced. I can't go into much more detail, but that is essentially what went down.
I'm shocked and scared and am really not sure what we're going to do. I can't remember if I ever mentioned it here or not, but Andy (my husband) was also laid off (that's what we get for both going into nonprofit careers I guess, right?!) a few months ago. Thankfully, he was able to find a couple part-time jobs working for bicycle programs he really likes, but he is making much less and he lost his insurance coverage. It wasn't ideal, but we were doing alright, mainly because at least I still had my decent-paying, secure job with benefits.
Well, now my benefits are ending at the end of next month. That's right, the benefits that are absolutely essential right now during this high-risk, high-stress pregnancy. It looks like I'll be able to get Cobra insurance, but its super ridiculously expensive. I know, I don't really have a choice. We'll make it, we always do, but this is just really, really horrible timing.
Anyway, the long and short of it is that I really need to find some work. I am not looking for another fulltime 9-5 office-type job right now. That just seems silly, given that I'll be leaving in a few months when Baby E (hopefully) comes, and I don't plan on working fulltime once he/she is here. But I do hope that I can get some part-time, temporary, or freelance/consulting work as soon as possible. I hate to toot my own horn, but I have some pretty strong skills in the areas of writing (grants, web, nonprofit marketing, etc), fundraising, online community-building/social media (think the work I've done with Faces of Loss), event planning (specifically nonprofit volunteer and fundraising events--this was what my job was before I was 'let go'), and photography.
I feel super annoying and lame doing this, but this is the online portfolio I have started, which includes my resume and lots of samples of my work. I am sharing it in hopes that maybe, just maybe, there is someone out there who is looking to hire a totally awesome pregnant girl for the next five months (or knows of someone who is!). Please please please consider passing the link along if you have any contacts who might be interested in my services.
I am trying really hard to view this sucky situation as a potential blessing in disguise. All along my plan has been to try to find something I can do part-time from home once E is here, I just didn't think I'd be looking so soon. I am pretty pissed off about the way I was let go from my job, but I'm choosing to see it as a good thing: see, when I get pissed off, that's when I get things done. This is a challenge. But it's also an opportunity. My dream has always been to be able to be at home with my children while they are young. If I can find a way to actually work from home, that dream of mine just might become a reality.
Anyway, thank you! And thank you, too, for all the supportive comments on my last post. I love that I can be completely honest here and no one judges me for it. I have the best followers ever! :)
Okay, I'm off to look for jobs! Fingers crosses the perfect opportunity falls into my lap one of these days.
Have a great weekend,
PS. 14 weeks today! I had an OB appointment this morning and everything continues to look great with little E. Strong heartbeat, and guess what? I've finally gained a couple pounds! I'm so ready to make up for lost time and start packin' 'em on!
Ragged Ann
1 day ago