Hey Baby,
I figure this will probably be fun to read through later.
About the mommy!
Name Kristin
Age 24
First child? Yes
About the daddy!
Name Andy
Age 25
First child? Yes
Finding out!!
What day did u find out? Wednesday, December 9th, 2009
How did u feel when u found out? Shocked, disbelief
Who was with u? I was in the bathroom by myself, Andy was in the kitchen
Who was the first peson u told? Andy
How did they react? He didn't really believe me that there was a line, went out and bought another test
How did the daddy react? Once he was convinced the test was accurate, he was excited
Telling the grandparents!
How did ur parents react? They were surprised, but really supportive and excited. My mom cried a little
How did his parents react? They were really excited too. Andy's mom has been wanting to be a Grandma!
Are they helping with baby names? No, but I think they both like the names we've picked out so far
Have they bought anything for the baby yet? Andy's mom and sister went out the day after we told them and bought the baby a onesie, bib that says "Auntie Loves Me," and giraffe stuffed animal.
How often do they call to check on u? I talk to my mom almost everyday; Andy's mom calls probably about once a week.
About the pregnancy!
When was ur first appointment? December 22nd, 2009
When is ur due date? August 15th, 2010 (based on my last monthly period)
How far along r u? 12 weeks 2 days
Pre-pregnancy weight? Around 134
Weight now? Not exactly sure, probably about 139-140
Have u had an ultrasound? Nope, won't get one until 18-20 weeks
Have u heard the heartbeat? Yep! At the doctor's and at home
What was the heartbeat? 150's
Sex of the baby! Won't find out for another 8 weeks...I'm thinking boy!
What do u want? I really don't care. I can think of really fun things about both scenarios.
What does the daddy want? Boy, but he'd be happy with a girl too :)
What do u think u r having? Boy
About the birth!
Do u know what u r taking with u? Not really
Who is going to be with u? Just Andy in the room
Are u going to videotape it? No way
Natural or medicated? I am going to attempt it naturally
Do u think u will need a c-section? I hope not
Will u cry with u hold ur baby for the first time? Probably
Do u know what u will say to the baby when u first hold him/her? Probably something like "Hi Baby"
Are u scared about the labor? Not too bad, I've tried not to think about it too much
Do u have a name picked out? We have our boy's name picked out, and are still stuck between two girl names
Girl names... Lucy Jean or Stevie Joy
Boy names... Henry James
Is ur baby going to be named after someone? James is Andy's middle name, his dad's name, and his grandpa's name, Steve is my dad's name, Joy is my middle name, Jean is my mom's and Andy's mom's middle name
Other random questions!!
Where was ur baby conceived? Probably at home in bed?
Have you felt the baby move? I don't think so
What race will your baby have? From you and daddy? It will be a white kid, mix of a lot of different things
Do you have stretch marks? Not yet
What was your first symptom? Sore boobs, headache, super tired
What religion will the baby know? And from what side? Christianity, from both sides
What music or interests do you want the baby to know? I just want it to explore lots of different things, whatever makes it happy
Will ur baby have godparents? I think so
What is the baby's room theme? Woodlands: bears, trees, etc.
What was the first thing u bought for the baby? A book called "Bear Hug" from a cute little shop in Whistler.
Are u ready to be a mommy? I'm getting there!
Slow Start
1 week ago
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