Dear Readers,
My 16-week ultrasound is on October 14th. Hopefully we'll be finding out if Baby E is a boy or a girl that day. I am so excited! I thought it would be fun to do a little guessing game contest, because hey, who doesn't like the chance at winning free crap?! I'm thinking the prize will be some pumpkin-scented candles because they just sound amazing right now. enter, just leave a comment with your guess! Is Baby E an Elliot or an Eleanor?
A bit on the names:
Elliot is after one of Andy's very best friends (since 1st grade) who recently passed away after a battle with colon cancer. The day we got the news of his death, Andy said, "if we ever have a son, I want to name him Elliot," to which I replied, "I'd be totally cool with that." The very next day, I found out I was pregnant. I didn't know Elliot nearly as well as Andy did, but he was an amazing guy and any child of ours would be lucky to be named after him.
For the girl name, I decided right after Stevie died that if we ever had another little girl, I wanted her name to mean "light." I know I talk about my favorite song, Let it Be all the time, but the line "and when the night is cloudy, there is still a light that shines on me," was something that really got me through some dark moments--the thought that there would be light in my world again someday. I've always loved the name Eleanor and so when I saw that it meant "light," I knew it was just meant to be. We'd probably mainly call her Elle, for short.
I'm thinking E is an Eleanor, but with Stevie I was absolutely convinced she was a boy, so I wouldn't trust my instincts if I were you :)
Make sure to leave your name if you leave an anonymous comment. I'll randomly draw a winner from the people who guess correctly and announce it as soon as we have an answer!
Thanks guys!!
Turn back time
1 week ago
I love both! And I actually like Elliot as a girls name too (=
My husband's name is Elliot! I refer to him as Ray (his middle name) on the blog because his family does... but in person he goes by Elliot-- with ONE "t"!
So obviously I'm partial to that name and love both options. Congrats on making it this far. Small victories are worth celebrating for sure! Keep growing baby E!
Aww I love both your name choices they are so fitting.
I am thinking Eleanor :)
I really like both names. Great friends of ours have a daughter named Eleanor Jewel. They call her Ellie J. I'm guessing "E" is Elliot.
Love your name choices! <3
I think you are having an Elliot!!!!
Love the name choices and the stories behind it. For some reason i think it is a BOY!
- Dayna Garrett <3
It seems a lot of BLMs lately are having the opposite sex to the child they lost, so I'm going to go with Elliot too. Can't wait to see if I'm right.
Elliot is cute! So I'm going with a boy!
Love those name choices! I'm going to guess Elliot! So excited for you!!!
I'm guessing an Elliott!
I am guessing E is an Elliot!
Hmmmm I'm guessing Elliot! Can't wait to find out what your having! Either way I love both names!!!
Eleanor for sure!! You and this precious rainbow are in my thoughts and prayers. Oh, and I looooove pumkin-scented candles! They are my favorites!!! God bless you!
Im betting on an elliot! But i <3 both names!
I'm guessing E is an Eleanor!
I'm going to guess Eleanor.
"Let It Be" is my favorite song too! (even my blog is titled after The Beatles, and both of my kids have Beatles related names!)
I am guessing you have an Eleanor...I love the old fashion names coming back. My daughter's middle name is Lucille :)
Love both names! Elliot was on our list too. :) I'm guessing a little boy. Can't wait to find out!
love the names!! and all the updates
I think baby E will be an Eleanor!
I say E is an Elliot.
Awesome names, Kristin! I'm going to go with Elliot. :)
Vanessa Durfee
I'm gonna say Elliot too! That was going to be Ellie's name if she was a boy.
Eleanor!! I love that name!! That was one of our top pics for a girl ;) I think you are carrying a little Eleanor!
I am guessing that you are having an Eleanor!!
This is one of our picks for a girl's name too (I am a bit behind you at 9.5 weeks). It was my grandmother's name and I think it's gorgeous.
Also, I love it's meaning but hadn't realised. My first daughter is named Lucie and that also means light!
Also, as I haven't commented since your pregnancy news, a BIG Congratulations. I am sooooo happy for you. xo Jen
Hmmmmm a girl is my guess. :o)
Loving the meaning behind your names.. i think that is so important
I'm going to guess a boy :) I love both names though!
My instinct is boy!
I dont know why but since I saw your belly bump Ive felt like you were having a girl. I say baby E is an Eleanor. Plus it just fits. :)
I'm going to go with Elliot!!! I think both names are very cute!!!
Congrats on your pregnancy! I'm a fellow August mama and I have a baby girl E! I'm gonna guess that your baby E is gonna be an Elliot! :)
I'm going with Elliot!!
Also a fellow august mama Bonnie :)
Hmm I'll guess Eleanor
Eleanor was actually my second choice for my daughter's name. Such a beautiful, classic name. So I am guessing Baby E is an Eleanor!
My guess is Elliot
I'm going with Elliott! That's actually a pick of mine for a girl.
Oh dear, I'm torn. I can totally picture you having a girl, but at the same time, I can see you having a boy this time around. Hmmmm... At first, I thought you were going to have us guess the two names. Whew, I'm glad we didn't have to do that! Lol. But back to the business at hand. I really don't know. I will just go with boy, though, since everybody is having boys right now. Maybe you'll break the trend and have a girl. ;-)
But I'll make my guess Baby Elliot.
By the way, I seriously love why you chose those two names. It is so much better/more interesting when there is an amazing story to go with a baby's name. Love it!
LOVE both those names!!!
I am thinking Elliot though :)
Can't wait to find out!!!
okay so i love the names, but the story and meaning behind each make them that much more amazing!!! I think.......... your baby is an Elliot! :)
I'm thinking it's an Elliot! =)
I am guessing Eleanor. That is on our list too for the next baby. :)
I'm thinking Elliot! <3
Due to your reference to the Beatles I think you are going to have a girl so you can name her Eleanor. ~Katie Boe~
Totally an Elliot!!!
Sooooo....originally (based on your first u/s) I thought "team blue" right away...then I told you that, but after seeing your 12w u/s and HAVING A DREAM ON SATURDAY NIGHT...I AM GOING WITH
TEAM PINK!!!!!!! I literally have only guessed 1 wrong in the RR, soooo you will be the the one who proves me right or wrong..haha!!
My guess is that E is an Elliot. (Prayers for health either way! :)
E is an Eleanor
I am going to guess that Baby E is Eleanor!
I love names with meaning. :)
I'm going to guess that Baby E is an Elliot. :)
Baby E is an Eleanor! So happy for you, and I love both name choices!!
blog stalker here:) guess is elliot
My daughter (15 months) is an Eleanor. It's a lovely name :) but just to warn you there are a LOT of Ellie/Elle/Ellas out there on the playground! So I kinda hope you're having an Elliot so you can avoid the confusion that plagues me and my girl, heh. ;)
love your lil belly, and I think you are having a beautiful baby girl ELEANOR!
After a lot of deliberation, I'm voting for an Elliot; I think it's a boy!
Both names are so beautiful, and I love how meaningful they are.
Less than a week until you find out the gender of baby E right? VERY cool indeed. I'm guessing it's Eleanor because God is just that cool ;)
Eleanor!! LIGHT!!
I'm thinking Eleanor!
So... I know it will be Elliot either way...but I am thinking.... BOY:)
Eleanor...which is my late Grandmother's name, so of course I love it :)
My vote goes for Elliot. One of my favorite names :)
Heather Brewer
It's an Eleanor. And I'm so happy for you!
I am going with Eleanor! instinct says its a girl:)
Girl! Eleanor!
I'm guessing baby 'E' is Elliott! Sending good vibes for your ultrasound tomorrow and calming vibes for the hours before <3
- Kayla Marie
Elliot. Wishing for happy news at your ultrasound.
Congrats and I think you're having an Eleanor!
Agh, very excited for you, Kristin! I'm guessing E for Elliott (but I'm always grossly wrong too!)
I'm thinking a Elliot !! Congrats
E is for Eleanor! Can't wait to hear either way :)
I'm voting girl
Girl and I like Eden
Hope I'm not too late :) I think it's a Boy! <3
Definitely Elliot! Great name!
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