A huge thank you for everyone who entered the giveaway. It was so much fun to have so many comments to read. My iPhone is set up to vibrate every time I get a new email/comment and it was buzzing like crazy the last few days! I have to be honest, it kind of made me feel like one of those "important people" whose phones are always going off every two seconds and say things like, "oh, excuse me, I really need to check this," in the middle of a conversation. Made me feel pretty cool. :)
So anyway, there were 76 entries. I asked good old Random.org to generate a number between 1 and 76 and the winning number was...
Lucky number 13...

My dear friend Angela, Charlotte's mama!
Angela said in her comment that she "never wins anything," so I am happy that statement is no longer true for her. :) Angela is a truly wonderful writer and I love reading her blog about her beautiful daughter Charlotte, who died shortly after birth at fullterm. Please go over, check out her blog and say "congrats!" Angela, I will email your $40 gift certificate to Mama Mia Jewelry soon!
Since there were so many entries, I decided to add a second place winner, for a $20 gift certificate. This was just way too much fun to only give away one prize!
The second place winner is...
Number 39...

Amber! Interestingly enough, I have actually met Amber, in "real life," back in college. We had a mutual friend and I think I remember watching this really weird Christmas movie at her apartment with her adorabe pug puppy one night, like 6 years ago? Anyway, we happened to be facebook friends and have since reconnected because we both lost babies around the same time. She's been a wonderful friend and support. Congrats Amber!
Tina with Mama Mia Jewelry has generously offered a 15% discount on all orders placed between now and Saturday, July 31st; just use the code STEVIE when you check out (I really, really love that her name is the special code word!) Tina's custom jewelry is already super affordable, and this makes it even easier to get a special piece for yourself (or for a gift). You can check out her shop here.
Thanks again to everyone who entered, and to everyone who follows our story. You guys mean the world to me.
I have been hearing about you all week during this ICLW and I think your letters are simply beautiful...and they make my heart kind of break. But the way you are handling it is so...I don't even know the word I want right now. But thank you for putting yourself out there...happy ICLW.
Congrats to the winners :)
I just did a happy dance. Thank you so much Kristin.
Congrats ladies!!! :D
Thank you so much Kristin! I can't believe you remember that weirdo movie! I too remember that night and I'm pretty sure that that movie scarred me for life!
This completely made my day. Today is the 12th Thursday and I was feeling pretty crappy. I got online to check everyone's blog updates and read yours.
Thanks for everything Kristin. I sooooo wish we could've reconnected for some other reason. ANY other reason.
Much love...
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