Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nursery in Progress

Dear Stevie,
So I went a bit nuts at Ikea yesterday buying all sorts of cute stuff for your room. It was so much fun! Dad's out of town tonight so I've been playing around with everything tonight and getting so excited to put everything together!

Should I still paint the walls light sage green?

The quilt and crib bumper. I am painting wooden letters that spell your name with the same polka dots as the crib bumper to go on the wall above the crib

The pink crib comforter and the curtains. I still need to figure out how to shorten them and actually put them up (I didn't even think to buy a curtain rod, oops!)

Some new buddies for you to play with! :)

My favorite of the stuffed animals

More buddies :)

Wall hooks

This guy will be hung from one of the walls eventually. Love it!

Fox approves of the new rug :)

We also got a bookshelf that matches the crib and changing table really well, that I attempted to put together myself for about 2 minutes (it will have to wait until Dad's home tomorrow!). AND we are going to pick up a rocker/glider and ottoman that matches from someone off Craigslist on Friday (for only $45, can you believe it?!)

I hope you like your room!

Love you lots baby!



christina said...

The husband and I went to IKEA this weekend.. which is unfortunately too far away! But we have found so many things we're going to use for the little man's nursery! I absolutely love that place. We're going to make a day drip of it in a few weeks and really go at it.

I love that collection you bought for Stevie! It's definitely what I'd lean toward if I were having a girl!

Love your style :) Her room is coming along great!

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